

  • 比例尺、以及告诉地图用户测量的方法
  • 投影原理、投影分类以及它们的特点




地图比例有 分数、图形、文字描述 三种表现形式。

Representative fraction 是最常用的比例表示法(RF)。其由一个比率表示,分子始终为1,分母表示真实世界距离有多大。

Representative fraction.Representative fraction and scale bars from a United States Geological Survey (USGS) topographic map. This topographic map has an RF of 1:24,000, which means that one unit on the map represents 24,000 units on the ground.Representative fraction.Representative fraction and scale bars from a United States Geological Survey (USGS) topographic map. This topographic map has an RF of 1:24,000, which means that one unit on the map represents 24,000 units on the ground.



Extent 与 Resolution

地图的范围(Extent)描述的是地图上可见的区域,而分辨率(Resolution)描述的是地图上显示的最小单元。下图的Extent是美国全国,而Resolution 是州。

Map resolution and extent. This map shows a national extent and a state resolution. The extent of the map is national while the resolution is at the state level because they are the finest level of spatial detail that we can see.


More map extent and resolution. Maps showing an extent of the Pacific Northwest. The top image has a spatial resolution of the county and the bottom has a spatial resolution of census tracts.More map extent and resolution. Maps showing an extent of the Pacific Northwest. The top image has a spatial resolution of the county and the bottom has a spatial resolution of census tracts.

Coordinates 与 Projections

地球表面的位置是用一组两个或多个数字的坐标来表示的。最简单的是笛卡尔坐标系,以 17 世纪数学家和哲学家勒内·笛卡尔 (René Descartes) 的名字命名。笛卡尔坐标系只是将两个测量刻度放在一起形成的网格。 都为零的点称为坐标系的原点。原点 位于网格的中心(两条粗线的交点)。所有其他位置都是相对于原点指定的,如

Coordinate system. Locations on the Earth’s surface are measured in terms of coordinates, a set of two or more numbers that specifies a location in relation to some reference system.Coordinate system. Locations on the Earth’s surface are measured in terms of coordinates, a set of two or more numbers that specifies a location in relation to some reference system.

地理坐标系统是专门设计来定义地球大致球面上的位置的。地理坐标系统不像笛卡尔坐标系那样使用 两个线性测量刻度,而是使用:

  1. 东西刻度,称为经度,范围从 。因为地球是圆的,所以 (或 )和 (或 )是同一条网格线,称为国际日期变更线。与国际日期变更线相对的是本初子午线,即定义为 的经线。
  2. 南北刻度,称为纬度,范围从北极的 (或 )到南极的 (或 )。


Longitude and latitude. The graticule is based on an east-west scale called longitude and a north-south scale called latitude.Longitude and latitude. The graticule is based on an east-west scale called longitude and a north-south scale called latitude.

光栅用(graticule)纬度和经度坐标指定地球上的位置。光栅(graticule)指的是三维地球仪上的经纬度。当我们在二维地图上使用经度和纬度时,我们将它们称为地理坐标(geographic coordinates)。地图可以有大量不同的坐标系统,这取决于谁开发和使用它们。

投影(project)是把一个三维球体变成一个二维地图的术语。如上所述,地球仪上的光栅(geographic coordinates)是有用的,但我们如何从三维光栅转换到二维地理坐标?如下图所示


Graticule projected. The longitude and latitude of the graticule become two-dimensional geographic coordinates through projection.Graticule projected. The longitude and latitude of the graticule become two-dimensional geographic coordinates through projection.



  • 剪切,在一或多个方向拉伸
  • 撕裂
  • 压缩,产生了很多的褶皱

Shearing, tearing, compression. Cartographers face these three issues of shearing, tearing, and compression on a globe when they try to transform the three-dimensional globe into a two-dimensional map.Shearing, tearing, compression. Cartographers face these three issues of shearing, tearing, and compression on a globe when they try to transform the three-dimensional globe into a two-dimensional map.




Thinking of projections in physical terms. You can conceptualize projection as working with a clear globe, a light bulb, and tracing paper. If you had a clear globe the size of a beach ball and placed a light inside this globe, it would cast shadows onto a surrounding surface. This surface can be a (a) cylinder, (b) cone, or (c) plane. Thinking of projections in physical terms. You can conceptualize projection as working with a clear globe, a light bulb, and tracing paper. If you had a clear globe the size of a beach ball and placed a light inside this globe, it would cast shadows onto a surrounding surface. This surface can be a (a) cylinder, (b) cone, or (c) plane.


Tangency. Red lines or dots mark the tangent line or point respectively. The flat surface touches the globe and it is the point on the projected map which has the least distortion. the place where the developable surface touches the globe is known as the tangent point or tangent line. These surfaces can be a (a) cylinder, (b) cone, or (c) plane. Tangency. Red lines or dots mark the tangent line or point respectively. The flat surface touches the globe and it is the point on the projected map which has the least distortion. the place where the developable surface touches the globe is known as the tangent point or tangent line. These surfaces can be a (a) cylinder, (b) cone, or (c) plane.



mention :


保形投影(Confomal Projection)保留了形状和角度,但在此过程中会严重扭曲面积。例如,使用墨卡托投影,海岸线的形状在地图的所有部分都是准确的,但相对于赤道附近的国家,靠近两极的国家看起来要比实际大得多。例如,格陵兰岛的面积只有非洲的7%,但它看起来和非洲一样大!

Mercator projection. The Mercator projection is conformal because it preserves shape and angle but strongly distorts area.Mercator projection. The Mercator projection is conformal because it preserves shape and angle but strongly distorts area.


Mercator distortion. The Mercator projection is conformal because it preserves shape and angle but strongly distorts area.Mercator distortion. The Mercator projection is conformal because it preserves shape and angle but strongly distorts area.

Equal Area

在等面积投影(Equal Area Projection)中,地图上任何区域的大小都与地球上的真实大小成正比。换句话说,与地球上的国家相比,国家的形状可能会被压扁或拉伸,但它们的陆地面积相对于其他陆地是准确的。例如,在盖尔-彼得斯投影中,格陵兰岛的形状发生了明显的变化,但与非洲相比,其面积的大小是正确的。

Gall-Peters projection. The Gall Peters projection is equal area. Note how the shape of Greenland is significantly altered, but the size of its area is correct in comparison to other regions such as Africa.Gall-Peters projection. The Gall Peters projection is equal area. Note how the shape of Greenland is significantly altered, but the size of its area is correct in comparison to other regions such as Africa.



等距投影(Equidistant Projection),这个名字有些误导性,因为没有投影可以保持地图上所有地方之间的相对距离。然而,等距地图能够沿着一些明确指定的线保持距离。例如,在方位角等距投影(Azimuthal Equidistant projection)上,所有点与中心点的距离和方向都成比例。这种类型的投影在可视化从一个城市到其他几个城市的飞机飞行路径或绘制地震震中时非常有用。方位角投影在一定程度上以形状和面积扭曲为代价来保证距离的比例准确。联合国的旗帜上有一个极方位角等距投影的例子。


包括罗宾逊投影(Robinson projection)在内的一些投影方法在不同的属性之间取得了平衡。换句话说,它们不是只保留形状、面积或距离,而是尽量避免任何这些属性的极端失真。这种类型的投影对于通用世界地图非常有用。

Robinson Projection. Some projections, including the Robinson projection, strike a balance between the different map properties. In other words, they do not preserve shape, area, or distance, but instead try to avoid extreme distortion. Robinson Projection. Some projections, including the Robinson projection, strike a balance between the different map properties. In other words, they do not preserve shape, area, or distance, but instead try to avoid extreme distortion.


间断投影(如间断的Goode Homolosine projection)以分裂的几片来表示地球,减少了两极附近的形状和面积变形。该投影由约翰-保罗-古德(John Paul Goode)于 1923 年开发,为墨卡托投影提供了一种替代方案,用于描绘全球区域关系。

Goode homolosine projection of the world. This equal-area projection is interrupted in the sense that it uses lobes or sections. Goode homolosine projection of the world. This equal-area projection is interrupted in the sense that it uses lobes or sections.



  1. Laura Matson and Melinda Kernik. Scale and Projections https://open.lib.umn.edu/mapping/chapter/3-scale-and-projections/